الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2022

amous people who changed the history of the world : George Washington

 George Washington

We are still discussing with you the stories of famous people who changed the history of the world

George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799), is considered the first president of the United States of America since (1789-1797), the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, one of the founding fathers of the United States, and was an opponent of the separatists and led the rebellion Which ended with the declaration of the United States secession from Britain on July 4, 1776, and he presided over the convention that drafted the constitution, which replaced the Articles of Confederation, and established the office of president for the first time.

The Electoral College of George Washington unanimously elected president in 1788. He served two presidential terms and oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government. His government maintained neutrality in the continuing wars in

Europe and suppressed the rebellion. It was accepted by all classes of Americans. During his leadership, George Washington established many precedents for governmental norms and traditions that are still in use since then, such as the cabinet system, presidential swearing-in, and the title of President. Moreover, he established the principle of a peaceful transition from his presidency to the presidency of John Adams and his retirement after two terms, a custom that continued until 1940 when Franklin Roosevelt was elected to three presidential terms until this tradition was restored in 1951 constitutionally in the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which limits presidential terms to two terms. These traditions are still followed in the twenty-first century. Even during his lifetime, Washington hailed him as the "father of his country." .

Washington received his first military training and his first commanding duties in the Virginia Battalion during the French and Indian War. He was later elected to the Burgesses legislature and was elected Representative of Virginia to the Continental Congress, where he was appointed Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Washington led the American forces allied with France when they defeated the British who had surrendered during the Siege of Yorktown. Washington resigned after the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

Washington played a prominent role in adopting and ratifying the Constitution, after which he was elected twice as President of the Electoral College. Washington ran a strong, well-financed national government, maintaining neutrality during the fierce competition that erupted between members of the government, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. During the French Revolution, he declared a neutral policy when ratifying the Treaty of Guy. Washington set a precedent for president, including the prestige title bestowed on him by "President of the United States", and his farewell letter is seen as a manifesto of republicanism.

Washington owned a number of slaves, and in order to preserve national unity, he supported measures passed by Congress to protect slave ownership. Subsequently, the idea of ​​slavery troubled him, and he granted his slaves their freedom in his will in 1799. In addition, Washington sought to integrate Native Americans into Anglo-American culture, but this did not prevent him from fighting them during periods of armed conflict. Washington was a member of the Anglican Church and Free Freemasons, and ensured a wide range of religious freedoms during his tenure in both military and civil positions, as a general and as president. Upon his death, he said in his eulogy: “He was the first in time of war, the first in time of peace, and the first in the hearts of his citizens.” Washington's memory is immortalized by numerous memorials, artwork, toponyms, stamps, and coins; Many researchers and pollsters classify him as one of the greatest American presidents.

الأحد، 10 أبريل 2022

Influential and Famous People in History Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein

There are few people who spend almost their whole life trying to become famous, but as we know, fame is intangible and hard to quantify. But the majority of us are inspired by people from different walks of life, such as celebrities, politicians, businessmen and living legends who have excelled in their industries and have played a major role in changing human history

?So, the question is what makes someone famous

?And what qualifies someone for a place in the list of the most influential people in history

Hence, we can say that people with the best minds of all time deserve the highest ratings. Each of these outstanding and inspiring individuals harnessed the power of their minds to make a difference in the world.

Since they have changed our perceptions of the world and ourselves. You can call them a genius, a teache an influencer, a great thinker, a father, a philosopher, or anything else. This article discusses some of these famous people in world history. Scholars, religious figures, and investors are among the people on this list. This group also includes some of the most influential figures in world history.

Albert Einstein: One of the scientists who changed human history Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. He went missing on April 18, 1955. He began his education at the Luitpold Gymnasium in Germany. Albert resumed his studies in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1896, where he studied physics and mathematics.

Albert Einstein is considered one of the main pillars of contemporary physics, the world of theoretical physicists. For his theory of photoelectric phenomena, Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Hunted by the German Nazi Party, he moved to the United States in the following decade.

His discoveries had a very significant impact on the formation of atomic energy. Albert Einstein focused on the unified theory in his later years. Albert Einstein was often considered the most outstanding physicist of the twentieth century because of his insatiable curiosity and active contribution to the field of contemporary physics.

One of the most important quotes by Albert Einstein

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Famous personalities who changed history

 Famous personalities who changed history

There are few people who spend almost their whole life trying to become famous, but as we know, fame is intangible and hard to quantify. But the majority of us are inspired by people from different walks of life, such as celebrities, politicians, businessmen and living legends who have excelled in their industries and have played a major role in changing human history

?So, the question is what makes someone famous

?And what qualifies someone for a place in the list of the most influential people in history

Hence, we can say that people with the best minds of all time deserve the highest ratings. Each of these outstanding and inspiring individuals harnessed the power of their minds to make a difference in the world.

Since they have changed our perceptions of the world and ourselves. You can call them a genius, a teache an influencer, a great thinker, a father, a philosopher, or anything else. This article discusses some of these famous people in world history. Scholars, religious figures, and investors are among the people on this list. This group also includes some of the most influential figures in world history.

2. Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Muhammad (570-632 AD) was an Arab prophet who was famous for being the last of the prophets and messengers to all the people of the earth. He is considered one of the most respected, revered and respected historical figures.

Muhammad is considered the founder of the Islamic state by non-Muslims. God's mission for all people to spread the religion of Islam

Muslims believe that Muhammad revived the religion and compiled it under the ideas that God revealed to him in the revelation he recorded. From this originated the Qur'an.

Islam is an Arabic term meaning "surrender" or "surrender" in this case to the will of God. Mohammed. In Islamic societies,

Muhammad, like Noah, Moses, Saleh, Moses and Jesus Christ, was the last messenger and prophet of God. Muhammad brought Islam back to non-Muslims. He was the only one who recorded the word of God which later became the Qur'an.